• Partially Applied Functions in Java

    Last year I completed an intro to functional progamming course on edX. The language used in the course was haskell. I found working in haskell enjoyable. One of my favorite features is functions taking more than one parameter can be partially applied functions automatically. For example, if you have a...

  • FlatMap in Guava

    This is a short post about a method I recently discovered in Guava. The Issue I had a situation at work where I was working with objects structured something like this: public class Outer { String outerId; List<Inner> innerList; ....... } public class Inner { String innerId; Date timestamp; }...

  • Sql for Lucene

    A short time ago, I started a side project to learn the latest version of Antlr. I decided to do something that has always interested me, a sql parser for the Lucene search engine. Even though the parser is a learning exercise, I thought someone else could find this useful....

  • Java 8 Functional Interfaces and Checked Exceptions

    The Java 8 lambda syntax and functional interfaces have been a productivity boost for Java developers. But there is one drawback to functional interfaces. None of the them as currently defined in Java 8 declare any checked exceptions. This leaves the developer at odds on how best to handle checked...

  • I/O with Files that Aren't Files

    Recently at work I needed to search through our archived files and provide the results by the end of the day. Here’s the parameters of the request: The archive files are encrypted and stored in HDFS (Don’t ask why we store them in HDFS). The files vary in size form...